Translation Info: beck | blakney | byrn | feng | ganson | gnl | hansen | legge | mccarroll | mcdonald | merel | merel2 | mitchell | muller | rosenthal |
| byrn Prev Next | Chapter 36 All Translations . beck . blakney . byrn . feng . ganson . gnl . hansen . legge . mccarroll . mcdonald . merel . merel2 . mitchell . muller . rosenthal . | headers Prev Chapter Chapter 36 Next Chapter |

What's in the end to be shrunk can first be stretched. The one who is to be made to dwindle (in power) can first be caused to expand; and then it's necessary first to expand.
Whatever is to be weakened must begin by being made strong [enough for it first of all].
He who is to be laid low can first be exalted to power. So: first promote, next destroy. Or: To destroy, first promote.
What's to be overthrown must begin by being set up. He who would be a taker must begin as a giver.
And this is the fine art. of dimming" one's light.
According to this [set-up] the soft overcomes the hard; and the weak, the strong. [Such things can happens, but most often not, or what?]
Fish should be left in the deep pool, not taken away from water. And sharp weapons of the state should not be displayed, but left where nobody can see them.