From ancient times these things have arisen from the One: Heaven is clear because of the One, The earth is firm because of the One, The Spirit is strong because of the One, The valley is full because of thc One, The ten thousand things reprodnce because of the One, Leaders are able to lead because of the One. All of this comes from the One. If heaven were not clear it would soon split. If the earth were not firm it would soon bend and break. If the Spirit were not strong it would soon wear out. If the valley were not full it would soon dry up. If the ten thousand things did not reproduce they would soon die out. If leaders could not lead they would soon fall. Therefore, greatness has its source in the little. The low is the foundation of the high. Princes call themselves "alone," "helpless," "worthless." Is this not acknowledging a humble root~ Enumerate the parts of a carriage and you have not defined a carriage. Better to resound like stone chimes than to tinkle like jade bells. |
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