There were those in old times who grasped and were possessed of the one: The heaven was much clarified by attaining it. Likewise, the earth got stable or calm by the same [rotating] measure; and demon spirits or gods were spiritualised, became divine. The valley likewise became full, the abyss replenished. By staying in the one, all creatures lived and grew. By staying in some basic unity, [Russian] princes and dukes became the ennobled of the people - That was how each became so. Barons and princes direct their people [in some ways]. It's some inner fabric of unified wholeness that sees to it. [Man-felt] heaven could soon split open without fundamental clarity. Without basic clarity, heavens might become torn. Without resting, steady stability, the earth might quake and tip over. Without spiritual power, the gods might wither and crumble, Without being filled, the valleys might crack and run dry. If the myriad things had not thus lived and grown all would end without the life-giving sustenance of power. Without the ennobling power, the honourable kings and barons in high places, even the directors of their people, might stumble, some overthrown. So the humble is the stem upon which the mighty grows. Yes, humble oneness is the basis for all honour. So even the exalted ones depend upon the lowly for their base. That could be [one reason] why [Russian] princes and dukes call themselves the orphaned," the lonely one," the unworthy," or the truly ill-provided. Is it not true then that they [to some extent] depend upon common man for support, or on hard ruler might rooting itself upon humility? Just enumerate all the parts of a chariot. and you still have no [unified construct, no] chariot So [learn to] rumble like rocks rather than jingle like jade. |
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