Some great dao can flow everywhere. Like a flood it can go left or right. Like a drifting boat it can go this way or that. All things [eventually] derive their life from it. It hardly denies or disowns them. It accomplishes its task, but seem to claim no credit for it. It hardly takes possession of anyone, either. So though it covers all there is like some garment, it hardly takes possession. It can clothe and feed all beings but hardly claims to be guru over them. Therefore it can perhaps be called low and quite free from insignificant desires. To turn into the home of all things, dont make any outer claims. (Implied; cf. Y) See into how dao is by non-desiring empty mind. (Cf. Y) Ten thousand [hungry] creatures obey a dao master and his ways, though they hardly understand it or how. Dao is called great. And the man who lives it or a dao repertoire is called great as well. The wise man never strives [verbally] for the great. To the end the wise dao man doesn't claim any outer greatness. Thus [some degree of subtle Vossa-] greatness is installed. And the wise man never at any time hardly ever makes a show of greatness. By such a dogged, keen strategy some [clowns] achieves greatness. |
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