To be always talking goes against nature. For the same reason a good whirlwind never lasts the whole morning, nor a swell rainstorm the whole day. The wind and rain emerge from nature. And if even nature can't blow, last or pour for long, how much less should man-given tenets? So, he who takes to or follows (one) dao, becomes merged with (this) dao. Or if one uses dao as one's instrument, the results will be like dao. Who follows virtue, is soaked by it. If one uses the power" as one's instrument, the results will be like the power. If one uses whats the reverse of the power", the results will be the reverse of the power". Who is dao identified, could be glad as well. For to those who have conformed themselves to dao, dao readily lends its power. To those who have conformed themselves to the power, the power readily lends more power. While to those who conform themselves to inefficacy, inefficacy readily lends its ineffectiveness. Who has not enough faith will not be able to get faith. Or: "By not believing in people you turn them into liars." |
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