beck Do Not Suppress When people lack a sense of awe, then something awful will happen. Do not constrict people's living space. Do not suppress their livelihoods. If you do not harass them, they will not harass you. Therefore the wise know themselves but do not display themselves. They love themselves but do not exalt themselves. They let go of one and accept the other. |
blakney If people do not dread your majesty, A greater dread will yet descend on them. See then you do not cramp their dwelling place, Or immolate their children or their stock, Nor anger them by your own angry ways. It is the Wise Man's way to know himself, And never to reveal his inward thoughts; He loves himself but so, is not set up; He chooses this in preference to that. |
byrn If the people hardly fear what's dreadful, something greatly dreadful could descend. If people have no fear of force, then great force descends. So never mind if people are not intimidated by your authority. Some mightier authority could deal with them in the long run. Neither despise their dwellings nor narrow the living space of their dwellings. They could cease to turn away if you don't put them in jail. Don't dislike their offspring, harass or oppress their lives. Don't harass them, and they could cease to turn from you. Drop heavy taxes, and the people won't be fed up. If you don't persecute all, you'll hardly be so much disliked. They're not oppressed if you refrain from gross oppressive measures. So the wise man knows himself but hardly shows off. Knows his own value, but doesn't exalt himself Truly, "he rejects the one (brute force or enemicy) but accepts or takes the other (being some kind, sturdy neighbour)." |
feng When men lack a sense of awe, there will be disaster. Do not intrude in their homes. Do not harass them at work. If you do not interfere, they will not weary of you. Therefore the sage knows himself but makes no show, Has self-respect but is not arrogant. He lets go of that and chooses this. |
ganson Lead Humbly But Surely When the people do not fear absolute rule, a greater fear will yet descend on them. Do not give them cramped quarters. Do not make sacrifice of their children. If you do not dislike them you will not be disliked yourself. The truly wise know themselves but do not flaunt themselves. The truly wise love themselves but do not take pride in themselves. They reject the one and accept the other. |
gnl Revolution When people have nothing more to lose, Then revolution will result. Do not take away their lands, And do not destroy their livelihoods; If your burden is not heavy then they will not shirk it. The sage maintains himself but exacts no tribute, Values himself but requires no honours; He ignores abstraction and accepts substance. |
hansen Self-love If the people do not fear authority then great authority has arrived. Don't toy around with things they are at home with. Don't despise things that contribute to their livelihood. In general, only if you don't despise [them], using this [they] will not despise [you]. Using this: Sages start from what they know to do not from what they see. Start from love not from value. So they choose this and reject that. |
legge When the people do not fear what they ought to fear, that which is their great dread will come on them. Let them not thoughtlessly indulge themselves in their ordinary life; let them not act as if weary of what that life depends on. It is by avoiding such indulgence that such weariness does not arise. Therefore the sage knows (these things) of himself, but does not parade (his knowledge); loves, but does not (appear to set a) value on, himself. And thus he puts the latter alternative away and makes choice of the former. |
mccarroll When the people lack a sense of awe disaster will descend upon them. Do not constrict their living space. Do not harass them in their work. If you do not oppress them, they will not weary of you. Therefore, True Persons know themselves but make no show of themselves. They know their value but do not exalt themselves. They prefer this within to that without. |
mcdonald When people become overly bold, then disaster will soon arrive. Do not meddle with people's livelihood; by respecting them they will in turn respect you. Therefore, the Master knows herself but is not arrogant. She loves herself but also loves others. This is how she is able to make appropriate choices. |
merel When people do not fear, they are easily conquered. Praise their goods and children And they will not dislike yours. Know your advantage, But do not tell it to them; Love your home, But do not let them know; Reject what is yours And accept what is theirs. |
merel2 Limitation Who recognizes his limitations is healthy; Who ignores his limitations is sick. The sage recognizes this sickness as a limitation. And so becomes immune. |
mitchell When they lose their sense of awe, people turn to religion. When they no longer trust themselves, they begin to depend upon authority. Therefore the Master steps back so that people won't be confused. He teaches without a teaching, so that people will have nothing to learn. |
muller When the people do not fear your might Then your might has truly become great. Don't interfere with their household affairs. Don't oppress their livelihood. If you don't oppress them they won't feel oppressed. Thus the sage understands herself But does not show herself. Loves herself But does not prize herself. Therefore she lets go of that And takes this. |
rosenthal LOVING THE SELF The sage retains a sense of awe, and of propriety. He does not intrude into others' homes; does not harass them, nor interfere without request, unless they damage others. So it is that they return to him. 'Though the sage knows himself he makes no show of it; he has self-respect, but is not arrogant, for he develops the ability to let go of that which he no longer needs. |
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