Translation Info: beck | blakney | byrn | feng | ganson | gnl | hansen | legge | mccarroll | mcdonald | merel | merel2 | mitchell | muller | rosenthal |
| mccarroll Prev Next | Chapter 55 All Translations . beck . blakney . byrn . feng . ganson . gnl . hansen . legge . mccarroll . mcdonald . merel . merel2 . mitchell . muller . rosenthal . | headers Prev Chapter Chapter 55 Next Chapter |

A person who is filled with Virtue
is like a newborn child.
Poisonons insects will not sting,
wild animals will not pounce,
birds of prey will not swoop down.
Although bones are soft and sinews weak,
a child's grip is firm.
The union of man and woman is not known,
yet there is completeness,
because a child's vital force is at its height.
Crying all day will not produce hoarseness,
because there is perfect harmony.

To know harmony is to know the Always-so.
To know the Always-so is to be awakened.

Trying to fill life to the brim invites a curse.
For the mind to Inake demands upon the breath of life
brings strain.

Whatever has been forced to a peak of vigor
approaches its decay.
This is not the way of Tao.
And that which goes against the Tao
will quickly pass away.