What's behind it all? There is a thing-kind made up of a mix. It emerges before the cosmos. Solitary! Inchoate! Self grounded and unchanging. Permeating all processes without extremity. We can deem it the mother of the social world. I don't know its name. When put in characters we say dao. Forced to deem it as named, we say 'great.' Being great, we say 'comprehensive.' Being comprehensive, we say 'far reaching.' Being far reaching, we say 'reverting.' So our dao is great; Nature (heaven) is great, Earth is great, and kings are also great. Within a region are four 'greats.' And the King occupies one of those [lofty] statuses. Humans treat earth as a standard. Earth treats constant nature as a standard. Constant nature treats dao as a standard. Dao treats being so of itself as a standard. |
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